Srishty Sharon | Creative Writer & Blogger

I am Srishty

I am Freelance Content Writer and Consultant. I write high-level technical and informative blogs and articles for various niches. I also work as a copywriter, micromanage social media, and handle LinkedIn advertising for lead generation. I also use WordPress to design responsive, and user-friendly websites.

Developing Transparent Content to Drive Sales

Writing isn’t merely a job; it’s an art form. Art is used to deliver messages in various forms, and through my writing, I try to achieve that every single time, through every single piece I write.

When I write for businesses, I have a clear mindset of delivering to the clients how a particular business solution can help them grow in terms of value, money, and infrastructure.

If you are looking to hire a professional content writer to drive your business sales through impactful content and reach your potential clients, click the button below.

Why Content is Crucial for Business?

Did you know, according to the State of Inbound report, content marketing accounts for 26% of B2B marketing budgets on average?

Content marketing is crucial because it helps you answer the questions of your audience and builds trust, and relationships, increases sales and brings in new leads. Customers expect their favourite brands to give them high-quality, consistent material these days.

Content that is consistent, high-quality, and interesting affects viewer decisions more than any other method.

What Services Do I Offer?

I do more than just write articles for clients. I also deal with other parts of online marketing. This lets me offer a number of related services under one umbrella. So if you are planning to market your business, I am here to help!

Content Creation

Content is the king. There’s a reason why you hear this often, because it is the “Truth”. Are you interested in developing compelling content for your business? Learn more.

Social Media Marketing

The first thing people check on when they wake up and the final thing they look at before going to sleep is social media. Do you have a presence on social media channels?


If content is the king then proofreaded and properly edited content is the queen. Make sure your content is fine, error-free and plagairism-free. Learn more.

Working Process

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Work Experience

With over 6 years of experience, I have learned so much in a small span of my career. I have worked with both UK and USA-based companies and that has really helped me understand the different approaches to writing content for American or British clients. I have handled some big projects for my respective employers and for every opportunity I have got in the past and I will get in the future, I am extremely thankful.

Lead - Core Marketing

  • Develop strategic marketing plans aligned with company goals.
  • Drive social media operations and develop engaging content strategies for various channels.
  • Market research and analysis to identify trends, customer needs, and competitors.
  • Create impactful content for blogs, e-books, case studies, and more.

Content Strategist

  • Write SEO-friendly high-level technical articles.
  • Prepare content for business leaders.
  • Micromanage social media.
  • Handle LinkedIn advertisement campaigns.
  • Prepare monthly newsletters.
  • Thought leadership content.

Content Strategist & Writer

  • Develop SEO-rich technical blogs on architectural, civil, structural, and interior designing services.
  • Micromanage all social media platforms.
  • Research on new trends in modular construction.
  • Work with designers to render concept drawings.

Content Writer & Web Research Executive

  • Prepare manuals for different tasks.
  • Curate UK-based construction and housing news to draft a daily newsletter.
  • Update company’s website content from time-to-time.

Junior Content Writer (Remote)

  • Research and write badminton-related news.
  • Draft technical articles on badminton.
  • Monitor live interviews and matches to write stories.
  • Prepare biographies of badminton players.

Freelance Work Experience

My freelance jobs have given me ample amount of experience in writing content for different niches. I bet I wouldn’t learn this much if it wasn’t for a company that gave me a chance and allowed me to work as a Content Writing Intern for them for 9 months. In this tenure, I have written over 15 e-books, 6000 words each, on different topics, from almost every field including medicine, finance, science, technology, manufacturing, mathematics, and whatnot.

Content Writing Intern

  • Write blogs, articles, and news content on various topics.
  • Write website content, product descriptions, and terms & conditions, and much more.
  • Prepare social media posts.

Freelance Content Writer

  • Perform a thorough research on clients’ businesses.
  • Write website content for clients.
  • Prepare articles about clients’ products and services.

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